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Does Weight Training Lose Fat?

Does weight training lose fat? Yes! 

In fact, weight training (resistance training or strength training) is the best bet for efficiency and the best way to keep trouble fat off our bodies!

Why is strength training important?

It's safe to say that people dieting can get really frustrated. 

We set out on a diet and change our eating habits, and have really good short term results...

But then the problem fat just comes right back, even though we are doing aerobic machines, doing the elliptical, bike, or treadmill often.

Why does this happen? 

Because during that initial fat loss, we also lost muscle, and we continue to lose muscle over time. 

And when we gain that weight back, it's only more fat that we are adding.

So what is the solution? 

Does Weight Training Help us Lose Fat?

The solution and answer to our problem 'does weight training lose fat?' -

Yes, and because of this diet and aerobics alone isn't going to cut it. 

We need to be adding muscle to our bodies as well. Why?

Every year of our lives past the year 25 we begin losing at least a half pound of muscle per year. This process happens to everyone while aging. 

If we have never used resistance training or weight training to build muscle, by the age of 45 we have lost over ten pounds of muscle. 

What this means for us in terms of metabolism - missing that 10 pounds of muscle we now burn 375 FEWER calories per day than we did at age 25.

What this tells us, just one pound of muscle added to your body will burn an extra 37.5 calories every day, while you are resting.

Weight Training Does Help us Lose Fat!

Weight training DOES help us lose fat! 

In fact, weight training (strength training) is the key to fat loss that so many fitness programs is lacking.

Healthy nutrition and diet is important.

But without building our muscles with strength training we will not likely keep that fat off.

Taking part in a strength training program for even just 6 months can transform our bodies into efficient fat burning machines.

Adding those ten pounds of muscle to your body will mean that you are burning more calories than someone running 4 miles every day. 

And you won't even have to be running all that distance and putting your knee joints at risk.

There are a lot of other benefits of strength training, in addition to increased resting metabolism.

The important key to keeping the fat off during diets -

Utilize strength training, resistance training, weight training, whatever you want to call it.

Build muscle and keep building muscle and you can make your body into a high metabolism, fat burning machine! 

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