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Bodyweight Vs Weight Training Machines

Bodyweight vs weight training machines: what's better? This is a question that I am asked pretty often, in fact.

The answer isn't as easy as one or the other. 

I've used Nautilus weight training machines for my strength training workout for over five years now, and I've found great success in the high intensity strength training program. 

When the covid pandemic started the government shut down all businesses and we didn't have access to the studio for almost a full month. We had to improvise. 

We applied the same basic important super slow principles to full body isometrics.

The results were great. We were able to gain the same results of full muscle fatigue with just a slight difference -

The bodyweight method took a bit more time per session. 

Bodyweight Vs Weight Training: Isolation

There are some key differences between bodyweight vs weight training machines. 

The first key difference I've found is isolation. 

If you're imagining me sitting on a tiny little island in the Caribbean, not THAT kind of isolation, lol.

What I mean here is that when we use strength training machines, we are isolating only the largest and most important muscle groups in the body. 

The major muscles we utilize on strength training machines (like Nautilus) are truly all we would need to build to stay fit. 

But when we do bodyweight strength training we are working many of the smaller stabilizer muscles. 

Let me give you a good example:

Above is the chest press machine.

Here we are able to more easily isolate using specifically the chest, anterior (front) deltoids (shoulders), and the triceps muscles. There is very little other muscle being used than those three and some core muscles also.

But, just like you can see, this is the same motion and exercise as the push up. 

Bodyweight Vs Weight Training Machines

Bodyweight Vs Weight Training Machines: 

When we do a push up we are activating all the same muscles as the chest press machine, but in addition to this we are using some of the stabilizer muscles also. 

During a push up the trapezius (upper back and neck), stomach, and latissimus dorsi (mid-back) muscles are all being used way more than they would during the chest press. 

What does this mean, in practical terms?

All this means is that there are a few different muscles working in different bodyweight or weight training machines. 

For me, as a fitness trainer, if I have a client who has a huge amount of tension in their neck during push ups, I would keep that client on a chest press for more safety and less chance of any strain. 

Every one of these weight training machines or bodyweight exercises are going to be slightly different, and use different muscle groups. 

This doesn't make one superior to the other IF...

we are following one important guideline. 

Bodyweight Vs Weight Training Machines

That one important guideline is this: 

reach full muscle fatigue.

All this means is that we want to push our muscles until they can't be pushed any further. 

That is the point that we will gain the two most important things we can do with any form of fitness:

1) We achieve the highest amount of muscle growth that we can.

2) We flood our body with the most amount of myokines possible. And myokines are responsible for lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, causing self destruction in cancer cells, and so much more! 

More on myokines:

So, my main take away is this: 

Bodyweight vs weight training machines: One isn't "better" than the other in any way.

A better question is about your own personal preference or what you have access to. 

If you prefer to work out at home then bodyweight strength training exercises may be better for you. 

If you prefer to use machines then a workout in a private studio or gym would be better. 

In both cases, hiring a fitness trainer for maximum safety would be my recommendation, especially in the beginning.

And The Perfect Workout offers one on one training over the internet and/or in person. 

They're the only company I recommend, because our program is based on safety and effectiveness.  

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