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Simple Fitness Tips

The most simple fitness tips are most often the best way to approach revising a workout plan or beginning a new fitness plan.

All too often we will spin our wheels if we don't have a focus on the big picture. 

These really are some of the easiest and most simple ideas, but putting a few of these in place will help take you further in the long term.

Most times complex nutrition changes and overly complex workouts do more confusing than helping.

Let's stay simple and talk about effectiveness. 

Simple Fitness Tips - Strength

Out of these simple fitness tips, this is the one I want to emphasize the most:

Put an emphasis on building strength and muscle with resistance training.

Why? So many reasons. 

Every year past the age of 26 or so, if we don't utilize some sort of strength training, we will lose more than a half a pound of muscle every year of our lives.

What does this mean for us?

Well, firstly, muscle directly affects our metabolism more than any other factor.

For each pound of muscle we add to our bodies we raise our resting metabolism by more than 37 calories burned per day. 

The key is to continue building strength over time, this will help grow more muscle and allow us to regain a higher and more healthy metabolism.

Strength training also is the way to release the most amount of myokines into your body, which are the building blocks of better health - More on myokines.

If you like to use aerobic type fitness techniques, then by all means, go for it. But still understand that the best long term results will come from putting your emphasis on building strength and muscle.

Simple Fitness Tips - Nutrition

The most simple fitness tips related to nutrition:

You ever see those dumb claims on some of the fad fitness programs being advertised? 

I see these all the time on social media, They'll say: 

"Eat whatever you want and lose weight with our exercise program"

This is very unrealistic. Because the truth is -

There is no magic pill to get around the effects of food in our bodies. What this means for all us: We need to at least focus on some sort of nutritional changes if we want to lose weight and reach our maximum health.

There is also not a "one size fits all" nutrition plan, no matter what people claim. We are all dramatically different with the way certain foods affect our bodies.

Cutting out processed sugar is a great start for everyone, in my opinion, but beyond that my best advice is to listen to your own body's needs.

Where cutting calories works well for some, intermittent fasting works better for others. 

Where keto or paleo is right for many, a vegan plan or whole 30 diet is right for other's lifestyles. 

I'm certainly not here to tell you what is best for you, nutrition wise. But rather hopefully I can guide you to find what DOES work best for you! 

Simple Fitness Tips - Consistency

Simple fitness tips success - Keep going! 

I know this may sound "too" simple... but it is the one thing missing from most individuals plan.

We begin with a big complex plan, and it all overwhelms us at once and we lose steam and just... quit. 

The only way to fail is to quit. So make a commitment to keep going. Put strength training as a priority for good health and incorporate other things over time, including a good nutrition plan that's right for you.

It doesn't need to be complex, it can be easy, and we only need to add one habit every 30 days.

Let's say you started strength training, let that habit sink in. Then, in 30 days initiate another useful one, like modifying your nutrition plan, or adding in more water and healthy supplements. 

It really is all up to you what order you go in for adding positive health and fitness habits.

We don't have to do everything all at once. Slow and steady wins the race. 

Simply keep going and stay on track! You really can do this!

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