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The Importance of High Intensity in Strength Training

The importance of high intensity in strength training has been overlooked by most of the mainstream "gym" culture of the years. With the Body by Science exercise method we are able to approach things from a more useful and evidence based philosophy.

At gyms you typically see masses of people all performing very fast and jerky (ballistic) movements and resting between every repetition. 

At best most of their strength training efforts won't be enough to produce a positive improvement in the body, and at worse if they're using heavy weights too quickly they are VERY likely to be injured at some point. 

By slowing down our movements and not resting between repetitions we are able to get all the benefits of exercise (strength training) in - 

1. The least amount of time

2. And with the least risk of injury.

But the importance of high intensity in strength training is way further reaching than that - 

If the intensity is NOT high enough we will be getting little to none of the benefits of exercise. Let me explain further -

The Importance of High Intensity in Strength Training

the importance of high intensity in strength training

And since we are discussing the importance of high intensity in strength training I'd like to first give the best description and definition of what intensity is. 

Intensity is a measurement of exercise and the best way to explain this is "how hard you are working vs how hard you are able to work."

Some people may incorrectly assume that intensity is a measure of how much weight we are able to push, or how fast our heart rate gets, but neither of those definitions work.

It's a much more appropriate way of looking at intensity to say that it is a comparison between the effort that we are putting in to strength training and to how much effort we can possibly put into it at a given moment. 

This distinction is very important, so let me explain why - 

Why is High Intensity Important in Strength Training?

Getting down to the meat of this WHY there is such an importance of high intensity in strength training - 

We could move weights around all day but if they were tiny hand held weights that do not challenge our body's ability to do work - it will be a pointless endeavor. 

We need the work we are doing to be stimulating enough to produce the desired physiological response (muscle growth, health benefits through myokines, better physical appearance, ect...).

In high intensity strength training we typically begin around 75% of our maximum capacity on the first rep, we move at a very slow speed without resting between reps, and our goal is to reach a 100% intensity to create the maximum stimulus on the body.

In this manner, reaching that highest intensity assures that we are stimulating the muscles enough to get the most adaptive response possible. 

This in turn means we also need to rest at least a couple days between workouts. And we need to give our body enough protein to help that adaptive response have the best environment possible for growth.

chest dumbbell 1

I like the explanation I saw in a high intensity strength training video that explained the biological imperatives of stimulating a stressor on the body to produce positive changes in the body. 

The way species adapt over time has always been when there is a new stressor placed on the environment. 

These kinds of changes could result in say, a thicker exoskeleton in an insect species or something like that. 

In our case, we want the adaptation to be better health and longevity, stronger muscles, and everything else that goes along with better fitness. 

Our bodies are smarter than we may think. 

Our biological imperatives are to be able to pass on our genes, to be able to eat food, and to keep from becoming something else's food, like a grizzly bear or a panther.

All of these 3 depend on our ability to simply move our bodies. Your body will respond the fastest to high intensity strength training because we work so intensely. 

That moment when we reach full muscular failure and can no longer move any further we are challenging all of our natural biological imperatives, at least that's the signal our body receives -

And due to that we get the strongest adaptive response we can possibly create. 

Why would any biological organism create an adaptive response from a stimulus that isn't challenged in a deeply meaningful way? It simply won't. That's a fact of nature. 

So I hope this has explained the basics of WHY intensity is so important - 

Really the most important health benefits occur through the release of myokines when we do reach that full muscle fatigue on the last repetition. Lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, fighting cancer, fighting dementia, fighting osteoporosis, and improving all organ function.

I hope you'll perform high intensity strength training at least once a week now that you know the benefits. 

If you've been having a hard time getting started and can use a trainer to keep you on track, The Perfect Workout is the largest company that uses these methods from Dr. Doug McGuff's book Body by Science. Let them know that Jonathan Gentry (me) referred you and you get a FREE SESSION to learn our method, with no commitment to buy anything. 

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